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"How to Double Your Book Sales By Selling In Other Languages!" 
A Kindle Cash Flow Virtual Training Series
During this special webinar, Ty and the Kindle Cash Flow team will show you about multilingual publishing. 

You don't need to speak any other languages, just have a willingness to learn the steps you'll learn here with us.
Sign Up And You'll Also Receive This Free Guide
  • Easy to follow along, on screen training
  • Improve almost every aspect of your Kindle business with a few short, simple changes
  • Use these simple methods to boost your book sales
  • Real world examples (not theory) and case studies you can put into practice.
  • Plus you'll receive a recording of the entire training call to
    watch when and as often as you'd like
  • Free Gift With Every Sign Up.. Our new KCF
    "Quickstart Guide to Self Publishing"!
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